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Demons, The Answer Book$10.99
Power Metabolizer
Increases metabolism, burns fat, stops sugar cravings, curbs appetite and preserves lean muscle.
Ingredients:Ginko Biloba, Guarana Concentrate (seed), Citrus Aurantium Extract, Caffeine, Bee Pollen. Korean Red Ginseng, Ginger, Lecithin, Bovine Complex, Damiana (leaf) Saraparilla (root), Goldenseal aerial part) Nettles (leaf), Gotu Kola (aerial part), Alfalfa, Royal Bee Jelly.
Increases metabolism, burns fat, stops sugar cravings, curbs appetite and preserves lean muscle.
Ginko Biloba, Guarana Concentrate (seed), Citrus Aurantium Extract, Caffeine, Bee Pollen. Korean Red Ginseng, Ginger, Lecithin, Bovine Complex, Damiana (leaf) Saraparilla (root), Goldenseal aerial part) Nettles (leaf), Gotu Kola (aerial part), Alfalfa, Royal Bee Jelly.
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