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Demons, The Answer Book$10.99
Power Cleanser "Cleanses The Entire Intestinal Tract"
Power Cleanser | Cleanses the colon, kidneys, liver, spleen and blood while building up the immune system. Ingredients: . Aloe Vera Resin- Body odors, Colitis, Constipation, Gastric disorders, Hemorrhoids, Migraines, Pain, Tuberculosis and Ulcers. . Black Walnut- Candida, Canker sores, Fungus, Gum disease, Herpes, Parasites, Ringworms and Tapeworms. . Senna Pods- Known to clear the bowels, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and weight loss. . Cascara Sagrada- Constipation, Digestion problems, Gallstones, Hemorrhoids, Jaundice, Liver and Spleen stimulation and Worms. . Chickweed-Appetite depressant, Bleeding, Blood purifier, Convulsion, Coughs, Obesity, Skin rashes, and Ulcers. . Dandelion- Anemia, Arthritis, Hepatitis, High Blood pressure, Kidney problems, Liver Problems, PMS, and Weight related problems. . Ginger- Bronchitis, Childhood diseases, Dizziness, Fatigue, Flu, headaches, Indigestion and Poor circulation. . Mullen- Allergies/hay fever, Bowels/Lung bleeding, Emphysema, Glandular problems, Lung disorders, Lymphatic congestion, Sinus congestion and swollen joints. . Pau Arco- Anemia, Asthma, Candida, Eczema, Herpes, Hodgkins disease, Prostate, and Toxemia. . Uva Ursi- Arthritis, Backaches, Bedwetting, Digestion, gonorrhea, Kidneys, Liver, Spleen, and Uterine disorders.
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